Data Protection and Privacy

Telford & Wrekin council are working in partnership with Yarington LTD for the community pride awards 2022. This information will be collected and stored in line with the Data Projection act 2018.  The information collected will be shared between Telford & Wrekin Council, Yarrington and the Judging Panel in order to determine the category winner.


All the personal data stored on this website is recorded in a secure database, managed by our supplier Yarrington Ltd.

All our employees and data processors, who have access to, and areas associated with the processing of personal data, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of our visitors’ personal data.

We ensure that your personal data will not be disclosed to government institutions and authorities except if required by law or other regulation.

Personal information

Telford & Wrekin Council processes a significant amount of information (including personal data) about the business listings available on this website.

The Council recognises its responsibility regarding the personal information it holds about individuals. It implements measures to ensure the personal information it collects is done so correctly and safely.

Any personal information provided will only be used by the Council, partners and service providers. It will not be disclosed unless we are obliged or permitted to do so by law.

To understand what is classed as personal information or to lodge a complaint about how your personal data has been processed please visit the Information Commissioners Office website. To view the Information Commissioners Office current campaign on privacy please visit ICO Your Data Matters.

How the Council uses your personal information

When deciding what personal data to collect and process the Council will ensure that it will:

  • only collect personal information that is necessary
  • securely hold personal information
  • securely delete personal information when it is no longer required or we are required to do so by law
  • consider privacy issues when processing
  • be open with individuals about the use of their information
  • provide training to Council staff who handle personal information.
  • The Council uses your personal information in compliance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) or equivalent UK legislation. We will process your personal information for the following purposes:
  • for the purpose to which you provided the information, e.g. processing information given on a benefit claim for the purpose of processing your benefit claim
  • to allow the Council to be able to communicate and provide services appropriate to your needs, e.g. providing access arrangements if a customer has mobility issues
  • to ensure the Council meets its legal requirements
  • where necessary to protect individuals from harm or injury
  • where necessary for the Council’s enforcement functions, e.g. licencing, planning enforcement, etc.
  • financial transactions including grants, payments and benefits.
  • The Council has a Corporate Information Retention Schedule which details how long certain pieces of information are kept for before they are securely destroyed.

Your rights

Telford & Wrekin Council complies with the legal requirements of the GDPR (or equivalent UK legislation) in relation to the processing of personal information.

Please contact the Council’s Data Protection Officer or telephone 01952 382537 if you have any concerns about how your personal information is being processed.

Under the GDPR you are legally entitled to request access to any records held by the Council about you or your children. Telford & Wrekin Council will endeavour to comply with your request but there may be some reasons where we will not be able to comply in full, e.g. to comply with the law.

Please view Telford & Wrekin Council’s Data Protection page for more information on this or alternatively visit the Information Commissioners Office website for information or to make a complaint.

Telford & Wrekin Council will not pass your personal information to any third parties without your consent unless it is required/allowed to do so by law. You have the right to revoke this consent at any point in the future. When the Council collects your consent it will inform you how this can also be revoked at any time.

GDPR (or equivalent UK legislation) provides individuals with a number of rights. For more information on these rights please access the ICO website.